Thursday, September 15, 2005

shall we say moody?

i shall try to ignore that comment.. does not affect me in any way... #@!$%#@%$^#@$#@!%#%^$%@#%#$%$#%$^$%^#$^#!!!!! haa... nvm.. anyways.. a big HELLO and wave to jimbo~! he's my nz koko.. lol.. we spent 2hr last night leeching jap music from each other.. lol.. which was weird cos he never was into jap music... so yeah.. hehehe... i'm totally addicted to Otsuka Ai daisuki da yo.. keep replaying it like some sad person...

anyways.. today's a very pms day for me.. everything's just ALL WRONG... i was just checking my timetable.. n i just realised that my a level economics falls on 25th of october... YEAH I KNOW.. bell's bday.. how crap can that be? (not as crap as the comment left behind by some crappy person..) yeah anyhoos... so irritated with my skin tone right now... yeah i'm dat bored... i gave myself 2 french manicures.. since monday.. but they keep cracking n breaking.. lousy huh? yeah... n now i have black nails on one side n hot red on the other.. so irritating.. red looks so horrible on me.. stoopid.. why can't i be fairer?

i give up.. not in the mood...

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