Tuesday, September 13, 2005

date? or not... crossroads

hrmm.. today i went on a "date" with serene.. meaning she picked me up.. which was rather unusual cos i always pick her up n stuff.. lol.. so yeah we had tea in vintage rose... with will of cos.. he's her accessory (she sed it herself) funny shyt.. like most of the times we had crazy sex forums... i dunno whether bell minds but yeah i shall clue in the themes of the discussion.. david hasslehoff, porn, sailormoon, porn, gay, LCD, amazon, hairy, dick.. and so on.. for further details.. which.. trust me is funny stuff.. pls ping me hahaha we had...serene: hot white chocolate, me: hot mocha, will:man at work... n we shared a banana crepe with caramel..

hmm.. since i pretty much sensored everything wat we did nuthing much to say abt the "date" lol... but anyways.. besides that matter.. i'm kinda facing crossroads right now.. u guys noe that i'm applying for the japanese scholarship right.. i really do want to get it stuff.. but i'm thinking is it the right choice for me? i really want to do literature in england or france mebbe? where literature takes me.. n i don't think japan is the place for literature and stuff.. and the stuff i'm more interested in is like just intense reading i guess.. dealing with other languages.. like german n french, danish and blablabla.. so yeah.. stuff like LUDWIG TIECK, INGEMANN, OEHLENSCHLAGER, more hard names.. yeah.. so anyhoos.. japan or europe? i SO want to go to japan.. i hope japan has english lit stuff.. i'm sure it does... ne? NE!?!?!

oeuvre-all the works, usually of a lifetime of a particular writer


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