Sunday, September 17, 2006

almost over.. or is it over already?

its a sunday.. exams are almost over.. but we students have lost the exam feeling already.. next exams are oral, listening and kanji.. how long more till it starts 3 days.. its no wonder why we're all too relaxed... and oh yeah the fact that we found wireless on campus.. hmm.. im screwed arent i?

well yeah since the last paper this week, ive been camping out at the wireless area, downloading god knows every anime i missed last season... so far ive already got back my history paper.. and the mood is.. err i dont know.. suttle? i got an 85.. but then there were ppl getting 100s and 90 pluses.. but they were mostly the mongolians, and people who memorised the book.... i didnt memorise.. so there!!! and then there were the people who didnt study their asses off.. because they were cool just like me... and they got lower than me.. and thus the whole weird feeling of all your friends happy that they got 99 or a 100 or 90 plus.. and the other side getting 70+ feeling depressed and stuff... and me feeling not happy that i wasnt a 90-er with my friends..and then the other group.. saying how lucky you are and stuff.. i dont know anymore!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~~!

why does everyone have to be so smart?? thats probably how they got the scholarship..


yeah but i dont really care anymore... i mean like im happy as long as i can download anime..
im screwed for the next coming exams arent i?

bored.. sleepy.. but i have to learn 800 kanjis in four days.. not bad.. can do... i think!??!?!?!?!

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