Thursday, August 03, 2006

alright after tenjin matsuri what happened?

tenjin matsuri was on the 25th of july... tuesday...

on friday, 28th of july.. last day of school for me.. beginning of summer holidays for those who do not take maths and sciences.. hahaha ie.. MOI hahahah.. started hanging out with my new group friends.. hahaha that is the not so asian friends.. meaning ANG MO group.. why do i have 2 groups here? cos i need to hang out with the ang mos when i want to go clubbing and drinking.. and do the crazy stuff.. hahaha my asian friends dont really drink.. hell im the strongest drinker there amongst the asian group and thats saying something cos im WEAK (compared to sa...)

so yeah... went to ABSINTH CLUB first to smoke.. shisha.. tried the capuccino and the apple one.. hehehe good stuff.. hahahah.. and there they had a cute dj..who really did his job.. at least better than the club we went to.. but thats later.. hahah tried my first absinth drink.. take that euro trip!!! hahaha err.. i tried the diluted one and not the diluted one.. wow a totally different level from vodka.. and so totally exp!!!! one shot is 800yen.. die die but i savoured it.. hahahah..

next stop we went to pure club to dance the night away.. wasnt really nice but yeah.. oh and i must say this night was the night where aplc takes a bold step into bad-ass-ism hahah because im in japan im not allowed to do anything unless im over 20.. so yeah had to fake my id.. yes ppl hahah i did what we learnt from american movies.. HAHAHA well not really.. because one of the girls didnt want to go clubbing so yeah she passed me her id.. which was also under 20.. and she did the forging of her age and stuff... so technically i double forged my id? yeah got in paid 2000 yen for disco entrance with drink all you can.. and that is alcohol drink all you can.. but i only drank one drink sex on the beach (and this is no mocktail like the ones you drink in chill) hahahah what a laugh.. anyway.. the drinks were pretty watered down.. well duh what can you expect from a all you can drink... why didnt i drink a lot? coz.. how to dance non stop and hold yours glass? when you dance you kinda wanna leave your glass some where and just shake it.. hahah.. yeah in teh end just danced.. and avoided getting steeped on pushed and spilled on.. well the latter didnt work cos i got beer/alcohol spilled all over me by some drunk piece of toooooooot.. and i was wearing my white british india top.. that %"#%$%#$%&" yeah oh well better than my friend i guess... he got puked on... hhaha anywas didnt really dance also.. cos well it was hiphop night.. so you got rap music in the background.. cant really feel the music.. hahah
danced till 5.. waited for the next train to home... (7am) and then from the train staition took the bus back (bus arrives at 830am) touched down at 9 showered slept at 10.... it was already saturday 29th of july...

coincidentally.. it was the day of minoh matsuri where my yosakoi group is supposed to be dancing.. (i was supposed to dance too but.. heheh im the lousiest foreign student member who has the most absentees) yeah so i didnt perform... yeah woke up at 2.. not bad 5 hrs of sleep.. got ready and went see the performances.. what is a matsuri you ask? its a festival think pasar malam? they sell food... got games and stuff got stage.. got performances fun and games... hauted house that kind a thing.. those of you who watch anime/ japanese drama.. yeah the one with the kingyo sukui/ shooting the toys and you get it as a prize .. ahah carnival??? hmmm some how a different feel... hahaha yeah.. so we went... saw kids perform.. and HOLY SHIT... kids so small can dance to hip hop better than i can.. of course its all choreographed..(sp?) yeah.. and their clothes are wicked cool.. (i love japan).. so sexy some more... dancing to missy elliot..a nd music like that.. cannot look down at them okay.. they have muscles.. some of them have abs from ages 7 to 12.. i really wished i had a video camera... anyway.. me and my friend were taking pictures and video camering for the friends who danced and stuff... the yosakoi team la from our school... the professional team (SASSO JAPAN) were there too.. and dammmmnnn them boys sure is fine.. half of them time we were.. looking only at the guys.. shyt shyt shyt shyt.. they so hawt... after the whole performance... my friend cannot help her already too much intoxicated with the guy.. kept begging me to go back there and want to ask for his anem and tell phone no.. i was like you go la.. not me eh malu eh.. but me and this guy friend accompanied her all the way to their resting area.. but in the end we didnt do anything.. cos we couldnt find him.. too much of lets do it pls pls pls.. and then nvm la.. okay lets do it.. nvm lah.. so yeah back and forth internal struggle.. until we missed the chance...

next day, sunday 30th july.. the continuation of the matsuri (parade form) we went again started at 4.. (my intoxicated friend went to the arashi concert... she crazy go and buy the tickets from an auction.. ie.. skyrocketed price.. ) yeah.. met her at the matsuri again.. cos we wanted to see the guy again.. she likes one guy.. but i prefer the other guyt better.. hahah (she bought us omiyages(souvenirs) well cos now its summer.. they give out fans right.. so yeah she bought the arashi fans for the girls who were crazy in love with arashi.. (i love ono the leader).. hahaha he is soo cute.. hahah yeah anyway... at the parade.. we were snapping photos of the guy(s) like crazy in the end.. the other guy also talk to us.. ahhh (its good to be alive) ahhahaha i was so happy... hahahaha it wasnt the guy who we liked but... they talkd to us!_?!? wanted us to dance with them.. because at the end its like they invite everyone to dance.. hahaha so yeah.. when they all separated and went on.. both of us went to stalker mode.. tracking down the guy.. whether to ask his name ang phone number or not.. crazy la.. running here and there.. laughing thinking fo things to say.. to speak in english? to speak in japanese? to speaking in japanese with a super foreigner accent? hahahaha.. when we want to go back.. we were already the give up mode.. saying things like 'if its fated we will meet again' SEKALI lo and behold.. we saw him with a group of friends.. they were all cute too.. hell i thought all the boys were HAWT.. who am i kidding.. im in japan.. hahaha.. so this is the teng teng teng moment.. what to do what to do!?!?! yeah in the end we took a picture of them.. well since only my friend liked the guy.. i took the photo of her and the guys.. (the guy i liked wasnt there..) sniffs... but after we took the photo she was like.. adeline... can i ask for the name??tel no?!?! i was like you go la.. not me i malu la.. eeeee you go you go!!! i cross the road.. and she terpaksa follow me.. yeah until today shes a bit sad that she didnt find out his name.. hahahaha

right... on tuedays 1st of august went to a hanabi taikai 花火大会 in other languages.. fireworks celebration? bunga api? hahah yeah 120000 firecracker to be released.. we went at 3 (it starts at 8) but expected like more thatn 1.3 million ppl to crowd again.. so yeah better go and chop seats.. so yeah was freakking hot.. at down on the road from 4 till 8.. shit so many ppl man.. yeah fireworks soo pwettyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy... going back that time.. ughh.. imagine all them ppls rushing to the train station... the queue.. the police had to enlengthen or queue by i have no idea but it was wrong and mean.. we were so close and still we had to wait to go back.. i didnt like that part...

next day... on tueday... 2nd of august.. went to umdea with my friends to watch LOVE CON hahahaha ラブコンmovie.. from the manga.. lovely complex.. PPL go and read it!!!! stars the cute koike teppei!!(the guy from WaT)!!! ahh dies... was the best!!!!!! movie was so funny.. and my first exp in a japanese cinema.. its weird... when seats are sold out.. you still can buy tickets and enter.. except you sit on the floor.. weird.. anyways we watched it.. saikou最高!!! after that.. went to hep 5 to do some majot shopping.. excpet that i didnt buy anything.. cos i didnt need anything.. mom should be proud of me right now.. hahaha my friend wanted to buy boots.. and sneakers... well me my main aim was to locate the JUMP shop and get ONE PIECE merchandise.. so yeah.. i got the goods.. we got more purikura and ate omurice!! hahaha went back.. and what did we do?!?!? KARAOKE.. it has been a month since we last karaoked.. this morning we came back at 630am.. showered and slept at 730.. woke up at 1pm ish.. did a major room cleaning project.. and here i am now.. typing what i did this week...

damn im tired...

this is to sa: dont give up hope!!! when ever you are down mail me!!! you know my mail.. although it sucks that im always having a good time here.. while you are getting nucleared at all the time... tahan saja and yeah!! i miss you too!!!thinking of you everytime i do something that i know you'd like too.. forget ubd.. learn japanese and come to japan study in japan... that way youre definitely free from pressure... sniffs makes me sad... i'll try to do something about mom and dad...
