wow.. its nice to see that everyone is blogging again.. well at least everyone besides me and my super long blogs.. HAHAHAH cant help myself.. full explicit details are needed.. and believe me.. they are already shortened.. hahaha right
shu vun: nice to hear from you... and also MAGIS is in brunei again is it? congratulations!!!! wow.. baby girl eh?
bell: wart? what wart? lame joke.. and how are doing now girl?
liss: WOIIIII yoohoo?? are you there blog woman blog? how much money have you made in baiduri bank? is it permanent now? what are you doing?
serene: you DARRRLING!!! youre coming over to see me? really??? really??? this december? winter kai? are you sure about that... hahaha.. slave for me darling MUAHAHAHAH *whips*.. eh to... somehow i envy you about see hot japanese boys or hot guys in total.. i dont really see them.. actually i do.. but from a distance like in the bus ka, in the fast food shops.. but actually get to interact with them.. like literally touch them.. KUSOOOOOOOOOOOO.. hahahahah..
she eng: that means youre still in brunei? what happen to the australia plan? your fashion dreams what happen? if you were going to australia.. i could have gone visiting and that way kill three birds with one stone.. now how? anyways i fully agree with serene that you should continue studying.. wow you taking japanese classes is it? and about the dramas i think u watch more than me at the moment.. hahaha cos theres not a lot on tv that i know of.. hahah
i just wrote postcards to serene and bell... but both of them going to serene cos i dont have bells address.. could you guys send me your home addresses so that i can post mail? pretty postcards at least... that goes to all of you out there!!!!
drama ka... hmmm i am watching uramiya or something like that.. every thursday at 12am.. try to catch the nana anime every wednesday at 11pm.. one piece anime every sunday at 7pm... last night i watched the stewardess drama C.A to yobi something like that.. hahaha people say that the main character reminds me of them.. cos i'm very animated they say.. hahahah and yeah hahahah i watched it for the first time.. and i must say all the drama very the formulated lor.. so predictable.. and yeah.. i also watch things like g no arashi or sumthing.. the arashi programs.. and utaban.. and occasionally the host shows.. you know the celebrity thingy.. hahahah... mostly i rent dvds and copy to my computer.. OR i force my friend to download and then burn for me MUAHAHAHHA but thats mostly one piece.. hahaha.. going to borrow from my friend strawberry on shortcake and lunch queen.. damn old but yeah.. hahaha thats all she has that interests me at the moment.. want to rent arashi movies, pikanchi 1 and 2.. hahah watched loads of japanese movies though.. shinobi, yotsuya kaidan, azumi 1 and 2, LOVECON, muahahaha every studio gibli movie hahaha(wow sounds like i never study like dat or) heh heh....
right.. i might go back to brunei next summer holidays.. actually planning to tour asia.. although there is no official need since its pretty much covered.. hahaha yeah go to each friends house and stay for a while.. ahhaa targetted areas: thailand, malaysia and singapore.. hhahhahah and of course brunei....
yeah today, i just shipped a box to brunei containing presents for my family members costed me a lot but nyeh who cares? hahahaha... hmm what else.. nothing much really.. in four months my room has become full.. i just added something new in my room.. and what is it? a refrigerator.. ahhaha.. why? how? hahah one of the koreans left for good and she gave me her refrigerator.. life is sweet... hahha
brunei brunei what ever shall i do without brunei.. a lot actually.. oops something not really patriotic hahaha.. anyways yeah damn boring ler.. but yeah its nice if you have people around you to do stuff with.. besides ddr-ing in that lame ass arcade... they freakking need purikuras.. HAHAHAHAH... youd think that i would actually begin to forget about brunei but.. within this four months they expect you to write essays about your country and whose famous in your country.. HAHHAHA so its the complete opposite, instead of forgetting my country i learn more.. hahahahah
nothing else lor.. except the dorm is sooo quiet, people studying for exams.. ppl doing their homework, fewer people, no parties.. sigh its relatively boring here too.. except that there is a need to study.. sighhhhhhhhh.. one more essay to go and listening homework and of course kanji renshu 漢字練習 もう めんどくさいなあ~
loves adeline...