Saturday, July 26, 2008

brunei brunei brunei

what have i been up to lately? not much.... but what can you expect out of brunei?

i met a few peeps... when i got back, i was desperate to find old friends in brunei fast! but that spirit quickly dissipated... why? because theres absolutely NOTHING to do in brunei! even if i call them, we'd be like.. what to do ah... boring la... damn... there's always drinking and barbequeing... been there done that... watched two movies so far... dark knight and wanted.. tonight finally watching sex and the city and hancock... and movie marathon.. oh joy!

besides utter boredom... i have been gaining weight... bother it all! the food~ i can't control myself! its shitty.. because i plan to make dresses here.. and with my blown up size, by the time i lose all my "brunei weight" in japan.. the dresses are too big for me.. SHIT...but yeah... ive been eating tons of seafood... my crustaceans never had the chance...

back unto fashion... i must say i don't like this season's wave... what up with the garish neon coloured shirts.. scratch that.. neon everything!? i must be out of fashion if this fashion is "in" right now.. but bleh~ NEON?!?! seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! and also... i can't stand brunie no longer... they're sooooo close minded... no one is wearing the tights/leggings thing here... my family is weirded out by my colourful tights.. my dad is begging me not to wear my japanese clothes.. and i'm like.. why should i care if people stare?! this is me.. i dont have to bend to brunei's norms... i can't wait to get out of here... i feel so fashionably restrained.. suffocating...

... sigh...

despite all that, i did buy shoes! not in brunei tho... (althought i did see several pairs of shoes that i might buy).. huhuhuhuu.... i bought 3 pairs of heels.. (duh~) and this is going to make it all very complicated.. because i brought 4? pairs of shoes? hahaha and i want more... i've been hit with the heel havoc.. and it's bad... i got myself a pair of shiny black mary janes.. and i'm now convinced that i want white leggings... and then maybe back in japan, i'll buy a lolita costume just for the heck of it.. HAHAHA OH MY GOD!!.. what if my little experiment is a hit and i begin to love it.. and then actually become a LOLITA FASHONISTA?! nevertheless, I shall try this on... maybe cosplay Perona from One Piece.. how awesome would THAT be?!

enough of clothes... i must say i've gotten my bookworm worm back... lack of fuck-me-fast internet has nullified the otaku in me, lack of party people/alcohol has murdered the party animal in me ruthlessly, hence the bookworm is revived... alive and kicking, ive been reading all my old books, even re-read my david eddings collection, several of my romance novels... and started with the twillight saga... should be getting book two today... started with the fairie wars series too... going to venture on to golden compass too... damn im bored...

and oh.. i re-did my front tooth.. i went to the dentist and i'm crowning my tooth.. goodbye ugly dying tooth.. hello royalty.. so i have 4 fangs.. up and down.. and i'm crowning my tooth.. does that make my cavity of royal vampire descent? I'm soo lame and i know it... :D boredom has reduced me to this.. ive been looking through facebook pictures of my friends still in japan.. and i think.. damn... damn it all.. and as for my friends coming over... i think... i'm so sorry for you guys.. brunei is sooo boring... SOOOOOOOO BORING!! sighhhhhhhh

EDIT... a better video of Persona would be this:

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