Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Did you say this train goes to UPFIELD?

One thing about life is that, theres always a first for everything. Today I started at 9 and finished my last lecture at 11.45. Trains on my line come at 9 past the hour and 29 past and 49 past. So i thought "wooopeeedeeedoooo...i get to catch the 12.09 one" So i rushed to the station and i realised the train arrives at 12. And im like "EVEN BETTER"...or so i thought. Turns out this train doesnt actually go straight to my stop BUT i have to get of and change trains at another station. And in your head you're prolly thinking "silly bell, why dint u check" But the thing was the screen at melbourne central said that it runs straight to weribee! Dint say anything about changing trains. And i suppose since it said it was going straight to Werribee i dint bother listening to any of the "anouncment" thingys that tell u to change train and wat not. I was busy stoning some more. Looking out the window at all the people n things. Haha. Then after it left North Melbourne i realised that it wasnt going straight. It was like tunring off to the right so i then decided to look at the scrolly thing which tells you which stop is next. Mind you that its almost always wrong. Well..sometimes. So it tells me next stop is Macaulay and im like.."eh....maybe they just got it wrong again" Haha. But sadly no they dint. And in my head it's like "pffft..there goes my getting home early and doing some hardcore studying"

So i got off at Macaulay waited for another 10 minutes for the train to take me back to North Melbourne. There were 4 other people who did the same thing as well- nice old lady, Indian guy, mum n her daughter. So for the whole trip back to North Melbourne and then to Altona where i got off i was chatting with the old lady. It's amazing how you get to find out about someone in such a short time. She asked me where i was from and whether my mum was waiting for me at home( i assume since i look like a lil kid who's kinda lost ergo my mum might be worried if i dont turn up), and yea we just started talking. Got to find out about her family and what she used to do and she asked about my family and all that. She was such a sweet old lady. It's the nice ones that talk to you. Some of them give you this scary look. So yea. I was quite happy talking to her actually. Hehe. I think, well for me anyway, that this only ever happens here (in angmo places). I mean in Brunei, i doubt anyone would be so pleasant and just talk to you. But then again i suppose everyone drives and there is no way you can get lost back home or take the wrong bus, cos well, who takes the bus? Haha. So yea it was preety interesting. I wonder how i'll turn out when im old.....

Now im back home eating my lovely yummy lunch and its off to study in about 20 mins. Picture for today: dinner my cousin and I coooked on Sunday. On the menu that night was beef steak, mash potato and salad. Ahhh..hearty good meal oh..and a bottle of beer. It wasnt his yea ^_^..all that was for 2 people

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